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Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Martin Dias [Correspondant] , Mariano Martinez-Peck.


Objects in a running environment are constantly being born, mutating their status and dying in the volatile memory of the system. The goal of serializers is to store and load objects either in the original environment or in another one. Fuel is a general-purpose serializer based on four principles: (1) speed, through a compact binary format and a pickling algorithm which obtains the best performance on materialization; (2) good object-oriented design, without any special help from the virtual machine; (3) specialized for Pharo, so that core objects (such as contexts, block closures and classes) can be serialized too; (4) flexible about how to serialize each object, so that objects are serialized differently depending on the context.

Since Pharo 2.0, Fuel is part of the standard distribution.

Here is the self-assessment of the team effort following the grid given at .